Terms of Use
This website is operated by Clubman Tourers Motorcycle Club Inc (CTMC).
The CTMC committee manages this website on behalf of the club.
The CTMC committee may delegate some website content management operations.
CMTC allows you to use this site subject to the conditions describe on this page.
You will only get full membership level access to this website if your club membership is up to date. Non-members (including lapsed members) will have reduced access to the website.
CTMC manages your membership status, and reserves the right to block or ban you, etc, even if your club membership is current.
CMTC will probably tell you why you've been banned or blocked, but is under no obligation to do so. You may be given an opportunity to appeal such a decision, but CTMC is under no obligation to do so.
Content Ownership
User Content
Stuff you post as a forum topic (except committee forum, which you probably don't have access to anyway) or as a comment is User Content and belongs to you.
By posting User Content, you grant CTMC right to use in any way it wants to.
For example, it you post a photo, that remains your photo, but CMTC may use that photo in a newsletter. Another example is that we might archive forum topics and replies for posterity.
Don't post copyright material, obscene material, etc, etc.
CTMC will generally not alter your User Content, but reserves the right to do so, or to delete or hide your User Content, if the content is considered inappropriate by the committee. CTMC will probably tell you why your content has been modified or deleted, but is under no obligation to do so. You may be given an opportunity to appeal such a decision, but CTMC is under no obligation to do so.
CTMC does not guarantee the technical integrity or longevity of the stuff you put on the site.
Site Content
Content on the website that isn't User Content is Site Content.
For example, this page is Site Content, as are rides, etc.
Site Content is owned by CTMC.
Some Site Content may be in the form of links to or copies of User Content. Where copies are made, attribution will be included.
For example, a newsletter may be made up in part of links to forum posts of photos in forum posts, or copies of forum posts.